iPad: Did You Know. . .
. . . you can split the keyboard into halves so that you can see the center of the iPad? You can see behind the keypad while your typing. Just place a finger on G and a finger on H and pull to the sides! It really helped me this week while trying add student accounts to edmodo. Oh, to put the keyboard back together just reverse the directions.
Web Tools of the Week:

DROPitTOme - (works with drop box) After signing up, students can just type in your url (this is mine: http://dropitto.me/ebert_s) then, students enter a password and simply uploads the document, paper, image, what ever and it is saved in your dropbox. Students don't need to have a dropbox account. Again, it saves time and energy. . .
Apps of the Week:
Apps of the Week:
You can access your desktop from your iPad
and use it as a remote or mouse. I have remote access to three desktops.
All I have to do is enter the password. You will need to download the app on you ipad, then download the streamer on you desktop. Click here for directions.
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