As to the question asked, I can't answer because we do not, I do not use Web 2.0 tools, however, as I read each of the four essential literacies, this is what I was thinking:
1.) Be able to connect -in science I teach mutualism. There are 6 kingdoms in which all living organisms are divided. In each kingdom, there are species that cannot survive without the cooperation of another species. Its called mutualism. As stated in the blog, students can. . .
use these connections to understand the world view of others, and learn how to forge and develop mutually beneficial relationships that lead to cooperation rather than competition.
It is our nature to be connected, why not expand the connection which would allow for reaching students' full potential.
2.)Be able to create - Using Web 2.0 tools will allow me to apply HOTS easily. Synthesizing, comparing and editing information. Also, a tool from web 2.0 can be used in a differentiated learning atmosphere.
3.) Be able to communicate - I agree we need to teach students to write more professionally. Adding a new way to communicate ideas, thoughts, questions. . with the world without texting.
4.) Be able to collaborate - A different way to penpal? Without the email account? writing letters? One of the most important standard in science is to share/collaborate one's findings, results, conclusions, data, etc. without collaboration, would we be discussing this?
I found the way that you took the four fundamental literacies and broke them down to meet the needs of your students and the discipline you teach. Very beneficial when sorting out the impact o these tools of education. I think that this would be something teachers should do to make Web 2.0 more personal and manageable.
I plan to do this in my new area of JH Lit and Language. I think that I will find the concepts not so overwhelming. Thanks for adding a new dimension to my learning.
Thanks for your comment. I have to break down information as to how I would use it, otherwise it would not be beneficial to student achievement.
Have fun this year.
I agree with what you have said about the article. Break it down and put it in your curriculum and ...
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